VC - Marketing*
Steve Warnek, PMP
973 464-8430
The Marketing VC is responsible for chapter marketing and public relations to increase
awareness of both the chapter and the PMI brand within the territory. The Marketing VC
will develop and execute an integrated marketing, communications and public relations
program to support the chapter's annual objectives.
The Marketing VC has the following VP organizations:
- VP Business Strategy
The VP is responsible for maintaining a consistent alliance with organizations that
participate in the success of PMINJ.
- Solicit and manage sponsorship opportunities
- Cultivate and maintain relationships with corporations, vendors, local
components, educational entities, and REPs.
- VP Marketing
The VP is responsible for all public relations and marketing activities for PMINJ.
Development and creation of a marketing strategy and materials for chapter.
Represent PMINJ at various community and / or business meetings to promote PMINJ.
VP - Marketing
Steve Warnek, PMP
973 464-8430
D - Social Media Operations
Vee Gosine, PMP
347 906-0049
D - Social Media Strategy
Michelle Morse, PMP
516 840-9284
D - Marketing
Rocco Ricciardi, PMP
201 705-3006
Business Strategy
Currently no VP or Directors